Earn by empowering SMBs with IT expertise

Join our vetted IT expert directory to provide on-demand support to small and medium businesses

Become an expert

Share your expertise to engage SMB clients

Create SMB-friendly guides on software and IT best practices. With your first approved document, you’ll be added to our expert directory.

Share your expertise to engage SMB clients

Earn a guaranteed rate for consultations

Clients can book paid sessions directly from your expert profile, which highlights your technical and industry expertise.

Review clients’ IT profiles in advance

Before sessions, learn about clients’ IT setup, software, challenge areas, and notes from previous expert sessions.

Review clients’ IT profiles in advance

How to become a GuideStack expert

Create your expert profile
Sign up for free, then create your profile showcasing your software and industry expertise. Once approved, your profile will be visible to potential SMB clients.
Submit a document for our IT guide
Following our easy prompts, create a software guide or IT best practice document. Leverage your experience to provide actionable advice to SMBs.
Once approved, set up bookings & payouts
Enable clients to book appointments based on your shared availability. Earn a guaranteed rate for each 1-hour consultation, plus session notes.

Why become a GuideStack IT expert?

Be paid for your expertise
Earn additional income for 1x1 on-demand advisory sessions with SMBs
Drive client acquisition
Engage SMBs in Q&A and paid consultations
Boost your online presence
Let our platform showcase your skills, instead of devoting time to marketing
Be part of a vetted expert directory
Unlock new opportunities while contributing to our knowledge base
Streamline client evaluation
Use clients’ GuideStack profiles to evaluate compatibility and IT needs
Equip SMBs with expert guidance
Provide right-sized IT support to help SMBs avoid big issues as they scale

Frequently asked questions

If you would like to learn more, please reach out to our team.
How does GuideStack evaluate and approve experts?

GuideStack evaluates potential platform experts based on their document submissions and LinkedIn profile. We may sometimes ask for a short video call to learn more about your experience. Once you’re approved, your profile will be visible to clients for advisory session bookings.

What type of experience is GuideStack looking for in experts?

GuideStack is seeking IT professionals with extensive experience managing IT for small and medium businesses. Experts should be able to translate deep knowledge of IT best practices into practical solutions for SMBs.

Importantly, GuideStack experts should be personable and professional, with a strong interest in supporting clients with varying levels of technical knowledge.

If you fit this description, please join our platform today!

How can potential clients find me on the platform?

Once your first document is approved, you will be added to our expert directory. Your public profile page can also be accessed from documents you write or comments you post on other articles. Additionally, we provide a public link to your profile page, if you wish to promote it to people who haven’t yet signed up for GuideStack.

How are GuideStack experts paid for advisory sessions?

After an expert writes client notes and marks the session as complete, the client’s credit card is charged for the session. After deducting a platform fee, we transfer earnings to experts’ linked Stripe accounts. On a monthly basis, we transfer funds from experts’ Stripe accounts to their linked bank accounts.

Are there fees associated with being a GuideStack expert?

GuideStack experts do not need to pay any fees. GuideStack covers all transaction processing fees for advisory sessions, as well as fees for transferring earnings to experts’ bank accounts.

Join GuideStack as an expert

Help SMBs streamline their IT to unlock growth potential

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